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No New Posts River Of Flames

The largest river in the world, it flows from north to south then branches out at the coast line into a myriad of rivers. Crossing the river, which takes several hours, is the only way to enter the kingdom of Eron. The river itself is called the river of flames because at dawn and at dusk, the sun’s glare cause the water to appear red and orange, the color of fire, and the waves makes it look like actually flames.

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No New Posts Athamus

It is one of the larger cites of Eron. The city of Athamus is well known for being one of the more accepting cites of Eron. The city itself resides on the east bank of the River of Flames and is the one of the major landing spots for ferries. Here the guards will check everyone who enter the city and everyone who will leave. There’s a huge fountain in the center of the city, which many people come to sit around and talk.

1 8 The Chicken Feathers Inn (Neo and company)
by Daliah
Jun 11, 2006 22:03:36 GMT -5
No New Posts The Chicken Feathers Inn

This quaint inn is one of the more well known in Athamus, a place run by an Eron native named Tinh Song. He's run the place for several years and is a permanent fixture in the community.

1 7 Wandering In...
by Talan Rhodes
Jun 21, 2006 17:38:29 GMT -5
No New Posts Carasis

The town of Carasis, is the main farming town of Eron. Despite it’s large size, it’s population is not very large. The majority of it’s land is devoted to farming and irrigation. Large granaries and windmills dot the field across the town. Everyday the town ship off tons of grain and meats to other parts of the kingdom.

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No New Posts Legona

Legona is the capital city of Eron, it is also known as the City of Emerald Dreams. The city is actually built within a forest and when the light hit the morning dew, the entire city shimmers. The residences of this city are often distrusting of foreigners entering. To them outsiders lack honor and therefore can not be trusted. Like all people of the kingdom of Eron, their own honor and pride of the nation comes first.

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Genji 8 273 by ghfgh
Nov 5, 2006 18:50:11 GMT -5


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Board Description
The kingdom to the East which lies beyond the River of Flames, with seasonal weather. It has a good encomy and a strong populations. It’s military force are known for their elite scout units. Eron is a plains kingdom, most of it’s lands are rich fertile plains for cattle grazing or crop growing. The people of Eron are usually distrusting of outsiders. Due to it’s social and geographical isolation, Eron is the least involved of the kingdoms: having the fewest treaties and pacts.
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