Sirena Alui

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Genji 8 273 by ghfgh
Nov 5, 2006 18:50:11 GMT -5


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Sirena Alui
This part of the desert has it's own special name meaning Siren's Allure . It still is locked with Siren but it is so unique and odd, that it had to have it's own name. The Mirage Desert portion is home to the hottest part of the desert. Not many have ever gotten through by foot at this part of the desert. It is concealed by 150 degrees and mirages wherever you go. The only way to escape is by buying a golden viel from the city, taking a city dweller with you, or by baring through it and surviving through it. The most common disaster is when travelers think a rattler snake is a good steak and try ot eat it. They end up bitten and dieing, only to be burried by the sand's grave.
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