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No New Posts Kama's Temple

Kama's Temple is perhaps the most legendary story told in the great Deserea Desert. Story goes that a great King faught in a catastrophic battle. They were at even ends and the war had led to his very temple. When he was cornered by the great monsters of the desert, he sacraficed his body to bring out a powerful, and deadly jackle god. The jackle destroyed them and tore them to shreds. His surviving people made it his final resting place and hid his tomb deep under the temple with his finest treasures. Not a single soul had made it through his temple and reached his treasures.

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Ramidan City

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Genji 8 273 by ghfgh
Nov 5, 2006 18:50:11 GMT -5


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Ramidan City
This city is filled with riches upon riches. The people are used to the desert heat and seemed to find ways of getting water. They use a irrigation system under the sands and are actually the higest providers of water. They are normal people, but get on their bad side and you have to answer to the mighty king who rules the great desert. If you are noble though, you are gifted with riches and some respectful power. You never know the secrets behind this great city.
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